Sometimes, as a homeowner, the constant stream of odd tweaks or minor repairs no longer makes sense – it’s time for something bigger. That’s especially the case when it comes to rewiring an old house’s entire electrical system –...
Light bulb blown … again?! When even a single light bulb emits that familiar and startling ‘pop’ as it blows out, it can be a worry. But while the occasional bulb failure is just a normal part of life at home, the situation becomes a lot more...
It’s 2024, which means that if you haven’t already embraced downlights at your place and for your space, Australia is leaving you behind. For sleek design, efficiency, versatility and just plain style, choosing from the exciting current range of downlight...
Red, black, green, blue, grey, yellow, white and more: What do you know about electrical wiring colours in Australia? If that sounds like an awful lot of colours and has you scratching your head, we’ll need to take a dive into the evolution of Australian...
Anti-slip flooring? Security systems? RCD circuit protection? They’re all an essential part of home safety – but perhaps none of them do a better job at looking after your home and family than those sophisticated modern smoke alarms. But whether...
Have you been greeted with the term ‘Electrical Compliance Certificate’, realised it’s something you might need, and you discover you’re now on a daunting journey that you know little about? Perhaps you’re a homeowner looking to ensure...