It’s 2024, and unfortunately for Australians all across the country, we’re all getting our heads around the harsh reality of super-charged costs of living. It’s a particular concern with electricity expenses, given raging inflation in combination with the accelerated transition to renewable energy – with a dose of extremely volatile global energy markets as the unwanted cherry on the top. Worried about your appliance running costs and what to do about them? Read on:

How many of your appliances do you consider indispensable to your daily life? All of them? If that sounds like you, we need to re-evaluate our energy consumption habits in light of the current economic landscape. Which appliances should we be running, which ones should we be running less – and which ones can we consider ditching? It’s a delicate balancing act between comfort, convenience and financial prudence – so let’s take a deep dive.

1. Love your ceiling fans?

Ceiling fans are a popular staple in Australian homes, providing much-needed relief during hot summer days – without the massive running costs. However, if not used efficiently, running them quite a lot can really add to your skyrocketing electricity bills.

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BILL-SLASHING TIP: Consider upgrading your ceiling fans to new models with energy-efficient motors and blades, which consume less power while providing even more optimal airflow compared to what you already have. And given they only circulate air rather than cool it down, just switch them off when you walk out of the room.

2. Reduce your lighting costs

Sure, a light bulb doesn’t cost a lot to run. But add them all up across your home, and you’re talking about a significant portion of household electricity usage.

BILL-SLASHING TIP: Switch to energy-efficient LED bulbs, which consume less energy and have a longer lifespan compared to traditional incandescent bulbs. Also, make better use of natural light during the day by opening up those curtains or blinds, and making it a habit to switch off the lights in rooms that aren’t being used.

3. Time to switch to a gas cooktop?

Sure, in our country that is laser-focused on climate change at the moment, gas cooktops aren’t exactly the flavour of the day. But there’s no doubt about it – gas cooktops and ovens are generally more energy-efficient than electric ones, so it’s actually a good time to make the switch in the real world.

BILL-SLASHING TIP: Also look into installing induction cooktops, which heat up faster and are more energy-efficient than their traditional electric counterparts. Also try to match the size of your pots and pans to the size of the burners, minimising energy wastage.

4. Do you just love your clothes dryer?

How much does it cost to run a dryer? Did you know it might be a couple of dollars every single time? There’s no doubt about the fact that dryers are handy, but $2 a pop really starts to add up. The time has never been better to air dry your clothes outdoors, or maybe even indoors with a drying rack.

BILL-SLASHING TIP: If you simply can’t give up your dryer, go shopping for the most energy-efficient model on the market – because the latest technological advances might leave your old, power-hungry model in the dust.

5. Use your air conditioner properly

It’s Australia – and any Aussie knows that without an air conditioner in summer, life is pretty miserable. Cranking them up all the time, though, will really drive up those already-soaring electricity bills, so why not opt for a reasonable temperature on the display rather than the icy-minimum.

BILL-SLASHING TIP: We recommend around 24-25°C when it’s hot – a great balance between comfort and energy efficiency. Also, switch on your ceiling fans at the same time – which might seem to use more power, but once you’re cool enough, switch off the air conditioner to maintain the chill and now you’re really saving money.

6. Is it time for a heater upgrade?

How much does a fan heater cost to run? Brace yourself, because we’re talking more than $1 per hour. And that’s even less than the running costs of convention heaters, radiant heaters, oil-filled radiators, panel heaters and infrared heaters. Ouch! Like air conditioners, heaters really do use a lot of power – but they’re absolutely essential once the mercury drops across the desert continent of Australia. A great idea as your power bills soar is to look into an energy-efficient upgrade, like a heating-plus-cooling solution with the latest generation of reverse cycle technologies.

BILL-SLASHING TIP: It might also be a great time to look into improving the insulation at your place, which regulates the temperature for you – for free! Also, just seal up those windows and doors and the heat will stay inside much more efficiently.

Budget-friendly energy management: Need some help?

In 2024, Australians just like you are grappling each and every day with the skyrocketing costs of living – forcing us to reassess our energy consumption habits. By making smarter and more informed choices about which appliances to run, how to use them efficiently, and considering alternatives, you really can mitigate the financial strain of soaring power bills whilst contributing to our inevitably more sustainable future.

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