Coco Chanel, the legendary designer, once said that “before leaving the house, a lady should look in the mirror and remove one accessory.” This means that less is more and minimalism is one of the hottest trends in home improvement.

And you can make a stunning effect by taking something away. This is especially true when using polished concrete, where the grey building material that forms many homes’ foundations and walls becomes a minimalist feature.

Are you thinking about polished concrete floors and walls for your home? Let’s take a look at some options and consider the pros and cons.

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Polished concrete is achieved by using a variety of abrasive instruments to remove and smoothen concrete surfaces. This creates a moody, elegant look.

Polished concrete is a style that looks great in modern homes. It can be used in one room or in several spaces such as bathrooms or kitchens to create a striking contrast with the rest.

This is a bold, strong look though so make sure you are comfortable before you polish! It can create a dark, gloomy look in some homes. If this is not your cup of tea, then consult an interior decorator or examine the features of your home and what you want to achieve with them.

Polished concrete floors or walls? Or both!

Polished concrete floors concrete can be stunning. They add a subtle elegance to living areas like kitchens, dining rooms, and bathrooms. The same goes for polished concrete walls. They add a contrast to the surrounding furniture.

The most important decision in a polished concrete project is whether you want to polish both the floors and walls or one of them.

Look at the space in your home and consider what style you want. One wall may be best used as a feature, but it might be more practical to just have the floors done. It is best to take a look before you take the leap. You have many wonderful flooring options other than polished concrete.

Consider what furniture you will pair with polished concrete when you decorate your walls. You may find that polished concrete creates a completely new look for your home, which might not be compatible with the decor. There are many creative ways to transform your walls for a completely new look. Have a look before you decide to polish.

Use a professional concrete polisher

Polished concrete creates a decorative appearance by using the foundations and supporting structures of your house. But let’s just be clear – repair costs can be very high if something goes wrong. It is not as easy as just applying a coat of paint. It can cost a lot of money and time to repair a badly polished concrete job.

It is a smart decision to hire a concrete professional who has experience in polishing concrete. Professionals will produce a more polished concrete result than DIY attempts. You will also be able to rest assured that your home’s structure is safe.

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